Defines or modifies paragraph templates. See Paragraph Templates.
Name: A unique name that identifies the paragraph template (up to 30 characters).
Note: Do not use an asterisk (*) as part of the template name.
Marked for Delete: If unchecked, the item is active. If checked, marks the item for deletion.
XTRAC deletes the item during the nightly batch cycle after there are no dependencies. Selecting an item and clicking Delete on the summary window also marks the item for deletion. Before the delete occurs, you can uncheck this option if you change your mind.
Note: The Marked for Delete check box is available only after an item is created.
Description: Additional information about the paragraph template (up to 60 characters).
Paragraph Type: The paragraph type that this paragraph template belongs to.
A paragraph type categorizes or groups paragraph templates. The type works in association with paragraph selection rules to determine what paragraph to insert into a letter.
Change Request ID: The ID of the request to create or modify this XTRAC record (up to 30 characters).
Memo: The reason why this XTRAC record was created or modified (up to 60 characters).
History: Displays the history of the component, including the following details:
Edit Template: Opens Microsoft Word and lets you create or edit the text of the template.
Word saves the template in an RTF format that is supported by XTRAC. The template can include applicable data inserts and paragraph template insert codes.
Save: Saves the changes that you made in this window.
Close: Closes this window.
If you made changes in the window and have not yet clicked Save, a warning displays that all of your changes will be lost. Click Yes to close the window and discard any changes. Click No to return to the window so you can save any changes.
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