Jeopardy States

Jeopardy Status

XTRAC indicates a work item's jeopardy status in the work item itself and in a work list or search results list.

Jeopardy States

State Color Description

On Track



The default state for a process, task, or milestone that has not breached any set threshold as defined for the service level.

The color green is used to indicate an "on track" state.

At Risk


The state when a process, task, or milestone breaches the threshold as defined for the service level. This is a first level of warning that there is an issue with the SLA or threshold.

The color amber is used to indicate an "at risk" state.

In Jeopardy


The state when a process, task, or milestone breaches the threshold as defined for the service level. This is a final level of warning that there is an issue with the SLA or threshold.

The color red is used to indicate an "in jeopardy" state.





No threshold or SLA has been set for the process, task, or milestone.

How Workbench Indicates a Work Item's Jeopardy Status

A work item's jeopardy status can be displayed several ways. The following are a sample of the ways to identify a work item's jeopardy status.

Green Background on Target Date Field (On Track)

When an XTRAC administrator defines a completion target date for a type of work and the first alert target date has not been reached, XTRAC displays the work item target date field with the green background color, as shown in the following example.

Note: Updates to the status of a work item occur after you save it.

Amber Background on Target Date Field (At Risk)

When an amber alert fires because the work item is still open when the first specified target date arrives, XTRAC displays the work item target date field with the amber background color, as shown in the following example.

Note: Updates to the status of a work item occur after you save it.

This work item requires your attention.

Red Background on Target Date Field (In Jeopardy)

When a red alert fires because the work item is still open when the second target date arrives, XTRAC displays the work item target date field with the red background color, as shown in the following example.

Note: Updates to the status of a work item occur after you save it.

This work item requires your immediate attention.

Background on Target Date Field in Work List or Search Results

When there is a completion target date defined on a work item and the date appears as a column in the work list or search results list, XTRAC displays the field with a green, amber, or red background color, depending on its status, as shown in the following example.

Note: When viewing items in a work list or search results list, you must click Refresh for the change in status to appear.

Updates to the Jeopardy Status

The jeopardy status of a work item updates when you save the work item.

When viewing items in a work list or search results list, click Refresh to update the jeopardy status color in the list.

Suspended Monitored Work Items

Suspending a work item may affect the service level agreement associated with this work item. When the XTRAC administrator defines a suspend rule, he or she has the option to allow work items to continue to age during suspension. If this option was selected and the work item continues to age, the target completion date could be in jeopardy during the time the work item is suspended.

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