XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Using the Script Task


A Script Task is a BPMN shape that lets you use scripting languages to allow custom logic to be executed. The shape works as all others by taking input variables and setting outputs with the task executing the provided script.


The Script Task currently supports the Groovy and JavaScript languages. Groovy is a JVM-based language which means it is built on top of the Java language and has access to the standard Java libraries in addition to the standard Groovy languages. The JavaScript support is Java's Nashorn engine.






When a Script Task is activated it is sent via an internal message to a script engine outside the process engine to await execution.


Validation in the modeler and on deployment verifies that a script exists and that it is compilable on the target environment.

Variable Names

Variable input and output names must be compliant with language keywords, reserved words, special characters and core classes.


1.1.2. Keywords

The following list represents all the keywords of the Groovy language.

as assert break case
catch class const contine
def default do else
enum extends false finally
for goto if implements
import in instanceof interface
new null package return
super switch this throw
throws trait true try


Normal Identifiers

Identifiers start with a letter, a dollar or an underscore. They can't start with a number.

A letter can be in the following ranges:

  • 'a' to 'z' (lowercase ascii letter)
  • 'A' to 'Z' (uppercase ascii letter)
  • '\u00C0' to '\u00D6'
  • '\u00D8' to '\u00F6'
  • '\u00F8' to '\u00FF'
  • '\u0100' to '\uFFFE'

The following characters can contain letters and numbers.

Following are a few examples of valid identifiers (here, variable names):

def name

def item3

def with_underscore

def $dollarStart

The following are invalid identifiers

def 3tier

def a+b

def a#b

Java Language Keywords

Following is a list of keywords in the Java programming language. you cannot use any of the following as identifiers in your programs. The keywords const and goto are reserved, even though they are not currently used. true, false, and null might seem like keywords, but they are actually literals — so you can't use them as identifiers in your programs.

abstract continue for new switch
assert*** default goto* package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import publi throws
case enum**** instanceof return transient
catch extends int short try
char final interface static void
class finally longe strictfp** volatile
const* float native super while

* not used

** added in 1.2

*** added in 1.4

**** added in 5.0

Restricted List (not limited to)

  • String
  • Long
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • Int
  • Integer
  • BigDecimal

JavaScript Reserved Words

In JavaScript you can't use the following reserved words as variables, labels, or function names:

abstract arguments await* boolean
break byte case catch
char class* const continue
debugger default delete do
double else enum* val
export* extends* false final
finally float for function
goto if implements import*
in instanceof int interface
let* long native new
null package private protected
public return short static
super* switch synchronized this
throw throws transient true
try typeof var void
volatile while with yield

Error Boundary Events

The Script Task supports a single error boundary event to be added to its shape. If any error occurs, a token will flow down this path.


As with all code there is the chance that the script will generate an error. This can be from not providing data to null pointers or just bad logic. If an exception is thrown from the script it will propagate back to the process instance as an error.

Timeout Configuration

To prevent a script from running too long the Script Task has a configurable Timeout option in minutes. This should be configured to the least amount of time that the script should run in.

Timeouts in the Script Engine

When the script starts executing, the script engine will watch the elapsed time and once the timeout is reached a cancel request will be sent to the executing thread. This will terminate the running script and send a TIMEOUT error back to the process engine.

Timeouts in the Process Engine

As another timeout check for if the entire script engine is down, the process engine will track the executing script. It will error the task if the script does not start executing within 90 seconds or once it starts and does not hear back with a success or error after the configured timeout plus one minute.

Both timeouts will error the Script Task and execute the Error Boundary if there is one on the shape, otherwise, it will error the process instance.

Script Hash Code

A hash code based on the text of the script is generated on model checkin. This hash code is used to identify copied scripts among different script tasks or in different models. The hash code is based on all the characters, so even an additional space in one script will differentiate it from another.

Statistics and Instance Runs

Each instance run will be stored in the database for an administrator to mine for statistical information. This data will be very useful in determining if a script has a problem, is running too long or longer than expected or causing process instances to fail.


Because scripts are open form there is the chance that a script can be written that can cause issues with the JVM it runs in or has been written with bad logic. If a script becomes a constant problem an administrator has the ability to blacklist a script with its hash code. Once a script is blacklisted, the script engine will immediately return an error whenever it receives a script to execute with a blacklisted script hash code. The reason for the hash code as the blacklist key is so that if there are multiple exact copies of a certain script that has been deemed bad, the blacklisting will affect them all, no matter what model they run in.


A blacklisted script may be returned to a runnable state.

Separate JVM

The Script Engine runs in a separate JVM to prevent any bad scripts from bringing down the whole process engine.

Logging in Script

A variable called LOG is provided to both languages. Write to this string variable for storage of logs. A custom class called ScriptLogger is provided for Groovy scripts as a helper.


Data is provided in two forms, native Java objects and JSON strings.

Assignments to data outputs must be explicitly made either with the name of the output or through the DATA_OUTPUT variable. Returns with values are ignored.

Note: Integers coming out of JavaScript become floats.

Java Variables

PM Data Type Groovy JavaScript
Date java.util.Date java.util.Date
DateTime java.time.ZonedDateTime java.time.ZonedDateTime
String java.lang.String java.lang.String
Boolean java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean
Value Group java.lang.String java.lang.String
Float java.math.BigDecimal java.math.BigDecimal
Integer java.lang.Long java.lang.Long

Note: BigDecimal does not support operators such as +, please use the methods provided on the class.

JSON Variables

Each script is always given a set of JSON-formatted strings of input data and type data. These can be parsed by the script and used for type information and data structure.

See examples further down for usages.


This variable is a JSON string with all input variables and values. This will need to be parsed and values may need to be cast to the proper types.




This is a helper variable that has all of the data inputs and outputs but instead of the value it is the XSD type that the variables resolve to.


a) {"time1":"time"}

b) {"integer2":"int","integer1":"int","integer3":"int"}


This variable, if set, will overwrite any other assigned outputs. This must be in the expected output structure as a JSON object.


A default variable provided in Groovy and JavaScript. You may write directly to this variable or use the helper class ScriptLogger to write logs. On completion or error of the script, the logs will be written to the database.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Keep scripts as small as possible.
  • Use an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA to develop scripts.
  • Be sure to handle various different data inputs like null or negative numbers. Check your data before using.
  • If possible, run through many tests in an IDE first.
  • Use the compile and test buttons often if developing in the modeler.
  • Have another person verify your script.

Supported Libraries

  • JavaScript
  • Nashorn Javascript engine
  • Groovy
  • Java 1.8.x
  • Groovy 2.4.10
  • Apache httpcomponents/HttpClient
  • Custom Libraries provided by PM
  • com.xtrac.script.library.tools.BasicTools
  • com.xtrac.script.library.tools.PMTools
  • com.xtrac.script.library.tools.ScriptLogger


No support for Complex types, Duration or Time in PM 2.0

Due to a limitation in the underlying data infrastructure and the coming work for null, list and maps, we do not support complex types, duration or time.

External Libraries

The script engine does not allow automatic import of external libraries. However, if a library is needed, Operations can be requested to put the jar onto the classpath of both Source and Target environments. Use and maintain at your own risk.

Scripts as Files

There is no central repository for scripts. If the same script is to be used in multiple places, it must be copied manually. OneNote or another Wiki may be used as a psuedo-repository if needed. Or a call activity can wrap a Script Task.

Custom Libraries for Groovy


Add import:

import com.xtrac.script.library.tools.ScriptLogger

Method and Parameters Return Type Description
log(String log) Unit Logs with INFO
error(String log) Unit Logs with Error
logBindingVariables() Unit Logs all Binding variables. Variables declared in the script are not printed.

Examples in Groovy


Input name Input type Output name Output type


import com.xtrac.script.library.tools.ScriptLogger


def logger = new ScriptLogger(binding)


output = "my output"






Example Result

Input name Input value Output name Output value

2017-06-02T15:58:33.547 [INFO] - hello

2017-06-02T15:58:33.615 [INFO] - world

2017-06-02T15:58:33.615 [ERROR] - Ooops

2017-06-02T15:58:33.638 [INFO] - VARIABLE: DATA_INPUT = {}

2017-06-02T15:58:33.642 [INFO] - VARIABLE: DATA_TYPES = null

2017-06-02T15:58:33.642 [INFO] - VARIABLE: output = my output

Random Integer Between 0 and 1000 with Logging

Input name Input type Output name Output type


import com.xtrac.script.library.tools.ScriptLogger


def logger = new ScriptLogger(binding)


Random random = new Random()
integer1 = random.nextInt(1000)


logger.log("my random integer: " + integer1)

Example Result

Input name Input value Output name Output value
    Integer1 870

Adding Two Numbers

Input name Input type Output name Output type
Integer1 integer integerResult integer
integer2 integer    


integerResult = integer1 + integer2

Example Result

Input name Input value Output name Output value
integer1 3 integerResult 13
integer2 10    

Adding Two Numbers Using JSON DATA_INPUT and Assigning to DATA_OUTPUT

Input name Input type Output name Output type
variable1 integer result integer
variable 2 integer    


def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()


def jsonVariables = slurper.parseText(DATA_INPUT)


def var1 = jsonVariables.variable1

def var2 = jsonVariables.variable2


jsonVariables.result = var1 + var2


DATA_OUTPUT = jsonVariables

Float Arithmetic

Input name Input type Output name Output type
float1 Float floatAdd Float
float2 Float floatSubtract Float
    floatMultiply Float
    floatDivide Float


amount2 = amount1 + 50.1

Example Result

Input name Value Output name Value
amount1 1.2 amount2 51.3
amount2 0    

Float Arithmetic (as java.lang.BigDecimal with method calls)

Input name Input type Output name Output type
float1 Float floatAdd Float
float2 Float floatSubtract Float
    floatMultiply Float
    floatDivide Float


import java.math.*;

import java.lang.*;


floatAdd = float1.add(float2)

floatSubtract = float1.subtract(float2)

floatMultiply = float1.multiply(float2)

floatDivide = float1.divide(float2, 3, RoundingMode.CEILING)

Example Result

Input name Input type Output name Output type
float1 2.1 floatAdd 3.2
float2 1.1 floatSubtract 1
    floatMultiply 2.31
    floatDivide 1.91

Call the PM Login Resource and Return the XTRAC Session Token Using Apache HTTPClient

Input name Input type Output name Output type
    token String


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost

import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity

import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder

import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils


def url = "https://pm-qa2a.xtrac.fmr.com/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/login"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();


def request = new HttpPost(url);


def stringEntity = new StringEntity('{"username":"SOMEUSER","password":"SOMEPASSWORD","orgId":"1007"}')




def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


token = result.xtracToken

Start a Process Instance Using Apache HTTPClient

Input name Input type Output name Output type
user String processInstanceId String
orgId String notificationId String
orgName String startStatus String
processDefId String fullURL String
token String jsonResponse String


import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity

import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder

import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet


def url = "https://pm-qa2a.xtrac.fmr.com/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/startprocess/" + processDefId

def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();


fullUrl = url


def request = new HttpGet(url);

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", user)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", token)


def response = client.execute(request)


statusCode = response.getStatusLine().statusCode


def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()


jsonResponse = jsonString


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


processInstanceId = result.processInstanceId

notificationId = result.startProcessStatus.notifUuid

startStatus = result.startProcessStatus.startStatus

Concatenate a Two Variables with a Method Call

Input name Input type Output name Output type
variable1 String result String
variable2 String    
separator String    


static concatenateValues(List<Object> values, String separator)


StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer()

for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)


def value = values.get(i)


if(i != values.size() - 1)



return buffer.toString()


def list = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();




result = concatenateValues(list, separator)

Example Result

Input name Input value Output name Output value
variable1 "Hello" result "Hello World"
variable2 "World"    
separator " "    

Generate XML

Input name Input type Output name Output type
    output String


import groovy.xml.*


def writer = new StringWriter()

def html = new MarkupBuilder(writer)





title 'Simple document'


body(id: 'main')


h1 'Building HTML the Groovy Way'

p {

mkp.yield 'Mixing text with '

strong 'bold'

mkp.yield ' elements.'


a href: 'more.html', 'Read more...'



output = writer.toString()

Example Result




<title>Simple document</title>


<body id='main'>

<h1>Building HTML the Groovy Way</h1>

<p>Mixing text with

<strong>bold</strong> elements.


<a href='more.html'>Read more...</a>



Generate JSON

Input name Input type Output name Output type
firstName String output String
lastName String    


import groovy.json.JsonOutput


output = JsonOutput.toJson([first: firstName, last: lastName])

Example Result

Input name Input type Output name Output type
firstName "First" output {"first":"First","last":"Last"}
lastName "Last"    


Examples in Javascript

Adding Two Numbers

Input name Input type Output name Output type
integer1 integer Integer3 integer
integer2 integer    

function script()


return integer1 + integer2;


integer3 = script()

Example Result
Input name Input type Output name Output type
integer1 1 Integer3 3.0
integer2 2    

Adding Two Numbers Using DATA_INPUT and DATA_OUTPUT Variables

Input name Input type Output name Output type
variable1 integer result integer
variable2 integer    

function script()


var json = JSON.parse(DATA_INPUT)

return json.variable1 + json.variable2;


var assignment = {}

assignment = {"result": script()}


DATA_OUTPUT = assignment


Advanced Code Snippets in Groovy

All snippets are provided as-is and are intended only as a starting point and for education. These snippets are not intended for production use without first testing them and applying error handling.

Parse JSON

static Object parseJSON(String stringToBeParsed)


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

return slurper.parseText(stringToBeParsed)


Parse XML

static GPathResult parseXML(String stringToBeParsed)


def slurper = new XmlSlurper()

return slurper.parseText(stringToBeParsed)



Call PM Instances get to a JSESSIONID token

Description Returns the necessary JSESSIONID token required to use Instances searching

BaseUrl: url for the environment



Output JSESSIONID string

static Optional<String> loginToInstancesRS(String baseUrl, String username, String password)


def url = baseUrl + "/px-instances-rs/login"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

def stringEntity = new StringEntity("username=${username}&password=${password}")




def response = client.execute(request)


def headers = response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie")

def header = headers.find {

header ->




if(header != null)


def index = header.value.indexOf(";")

return Optional.ofNullable(header.value.substring(0, index))



return Optional.empty()



Search Process Instances

Description Searches instances

BaseUrl: url for the environment








Output String of the response

static String searchProcessInstances(String baseUrl,

String jsessionId,

String orgName,

Optional<String> instanceId,

Optional<List<String>> states,

Optional<String> name,

Optional<ZonedDateTime> startDate,

Optional<ZonedDateTime> endDate)


def search = "?nopage=true&search="

def searchParams = new ArrayList<String>()



searchParams.add("instanceEntityId:" + instanceId.get())




searchParams.add("nameTxt*.*" + name.get())




searchParams.add("pqpisStatusTxt+[" + states.get().join(",") + "]")




def year = startDate.get().getYear()

def month = startDate.get().getMonthValue()

def day = startDate.get().getDayOfMonth()

def hour = startDate.get().getHour()

def minute = startDate.get().getMinute()

def second = startDate.get().getSecond()

def pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.nnnZ"

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern)

def newDate = ZonedDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, startDate.get().getZone())

def startValue = newDate.format(formatter)

searchParams.add("createTs>" + startValue)




def year = endDate.get().getYear()

def month = endDate.get().getMonthValue()

def day = endDate.get().getDayOfMonth()

def hour = endDate.get().getHour()

def minute = endDate.get().getMinute()

def second = endDate.get().getSecond()

def pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.nnnZ"

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern)

def newDate = ZonedDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, endDate.get().getZone())

def startValue = newDate.format(formatter)

searchParams.add("createTs<" + startValue)


def url = baseUrl + "/px-instances-rs/v1/instance/processes"

if(searchParams.size() > 0)


String joined = searchParams.join(",")

String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(joined, "UTF-8")

url += search + encoded


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()

def request = new HttpGet(url)

request.setHeader("Cookie", jsessionId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", orgName)

def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())




Method to parse results of Instances search


Parses the results of the Instances search


BaseUrl: url for the environment








Output String of the response
Support Classes ProcessInstanceSearchEntry

static List<ProcessInstanceSearchEntry> parseProcessInstanceSearchJson(String jsonResponse)


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def slurpedResult = slurper.parseText(jsonResponse)

List<ProcessInstanceSearchEntry> entriesList = new ArrayList<ProcessInstanceSearchEntry>()

if(slurpedResult instanceof ArrayList)


slurpedResult.each {

process ->

assert process instanceof Map

def entityId = process.get("defEntityId")

def orgTxt = process.get("orgTxt")

def nameTxt = process.get("nameTxt")

def majorVersion = process.get("majorVersion")

def minorVersion = process.get("minorVersion")

def procDefBpmn = process.get("procDefBpmn")

def modelBpmn = process.get("modelBpmn")

def descTxt = process.get("descTxt")

def instanceEntityId = process.get("instanceEntityId")

def createTs = process.get("createTs")

def workItemId = process.get("workItemId")

def targetCompletionDate = process.get("targetCompletionDate")

def workflowQueue = process.get("pqpriQueue")

def statusTxt = process.get("pqpisStatusTxt")

def parentId = process.get("parentId")


ProcessInstanceSearchEntry entry = new ProcessInstanceSearchEntry()























Method that creates a JSON Message to be used in message start or receive task


Creates the JSON payload to be used as a message



Output String of the response
Support Classes






static String createMessageAsJSON(Optional<String> correlationIdValue,

String namespaceValue,

String dataTypeValue,

Optional<String> processNameValue,

Optional<Integer> majorValue,

Optional<Integer> minorValue,

Optional<String> processIdValue,

String orgNameValue,

Optional<Map<String, Object>> dataValue,

String messageIdValue)




























"correlationId": "${correlationId.orElse("CorrelationId")}",

"dataInfo": {

"dataTypeNamespace": "${namespace.orElse("")}",

"dataType": "${dataType}",


"processInfo": {

"name": "${name}",

"major": ${major.orElse("")},

"minor": ${minor.orElse("")},

"id": "${processId}",

"orgName": "${orgName}"


"data": {




"messageId": "${messageId}"




ProcessInfo processInfo = new ProcessInfo()







DataInfo dataInfo = new DataInfo()




Message message = new Message()







Messages messages = new Messages()






Method that logs in to Process and gets a Workflow token


Gets a workflow session token






Output LoginResult
Support Classes




* Logs in to XTRAC Workflow

* @param baseUrl server url

* @param username pxUserName

* @param password password

* @param orgId orgId

* @return XTRAC Workflow session token


static LoginResult login(String baseUrl, String username, String password, String orgId)


def url = baseUrl + "/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/login"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

def stringEntity = new StringEntity('{"username":"' + username + '","password":"' + password + '","orgId":"' + orgId + '"}')




def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def loginResult = new LoginResult()

loginResult.setToken(result.xtracToken as String)

loginResult.setOrgId(result.orgId as String)

loginResult.setOrgName(result.org as String)


return loginResult



Login and return session token

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost

import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity

import org.apache.http.impl.client.*

import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils



* Logs in to XTRAC Workflow

* @param baseUrl server url

* @param username pxUserName

* @param password password

* @param orgId orgId

* @return XTRAC Workflow session token


static String login(String baseUrl, String username, String password, String orgId)


def url = baseUrl + "/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/login"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

def stringEntity = new StringEntity('{"username":"' + username + '","password":"' + password + '","orgId":"' + orgId + '"}')




def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


return result.xtracToken


sessionToken = login("http://pm-devint1.xtrac.fmr.com", "pxuser", "exteaw0rkb5nch", "1007")


Start an Instance


Starts a process instance



Output StartInstanceWebServiceResult
Support Classes







* @param baseUrl

* @param sessionToken

* @param username

* @param orgName

* @param orgId

* @param processDefinitionId

* @return


static StartInstanceWebServiceResult startInstance(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String processDefinitionId)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/startprocess/${processDefinitionId}"

def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpGet(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)


def startInstanceWebServiceResult = new StartInstanceWebServiceResult()




def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


StartInstanceResult startInstanceResult = new StartInstanceResult()






return startInstanceWebServiceResult



Message Start an Instance


Starts a process instance



Output StartInstanceWebServiceResult
Support Classes





static StartInstanceWebServiceResult startInstanceWithMessage(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String jsonMessage)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-rs/pxs/execution/startprocess"

def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def stringEntity = new StringEntity(jsonMessage)




def response = client.execute(request)


def startInstanceWebServiceResult = new StartInstanceWebServiceResult()




def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def statuses = result.getAt("messageStatuses")


statuses instanceof NodeChildren


statuses.each {

status ->

StartInstanceResult startInstanceResult = new StartInstanceResult()




startInstanceResult.setCorrelationId(Optional.ofNullable(status.correlationId as String))

startInstanceResult.setErrored(Optional.ofNullable(status.error as Boolean))




return startInstanceWebServiceResult



List Process Instances


Starts a process instance



Output ListProcessInstancesResult
Support Classes




static ListProcessInstancesResult listProcessInstances(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, int offset, int blocksize)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-query-rs/pxs/execution/listprocessinstances/${offset}/${blocksize}"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def slurpedResponse = slurper.parseText(jsonString)

def rows = slurpedResponse.rows

def mappings = slurpedResponse.mappings

def columns = slurpedResponse.columns

def totalRows = slurpedResponse.pageInfo.totalRows


assert mappings != null

assert mappings instanceof Map

assert rows != null

assert rows instanceof ArrayList

assert columns != null

assert columns instanceof ArrayList<HashMap>


def jeopardyStatusMappings = mappings.jeopardyStatus

def stateMappings = mappings.state


def nameIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "name")

def idIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "_id")

def versionIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "version")

def descriptionIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "desc")

def jeopardyStatusIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "jeopardyStatus")

def stateIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "state")

def instanceStartIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "instanceStart")

def completionDateIndex = findIndexOfItemInColumns(columns, "completionDate")


def instanceList = []

def instanceListEntry = new ProcessInstanceListEntry()


def instancesResult = new ListProcessInstancesResult()



for (row in rows)


assert row instanceof ArrayList

def castRow = (ArrayList) row

if (nameIndex >= 0)


def name = castRow.get(nameIndex) as String



if (idIndex >= 0)


def id = castRow.get(idIndex) as String



if (versionIndex >= 0)


def version = castRow.get(versionIndex) as String



if (descriptionIndex >= 0)


def description = castRow.get(descriptionIndex) as String



if (jeopardyStatusIndex >= 0)


def jeopardyStatus = castRow.get(jeopardyStatusIndex) as String

def jeopardyStatusValue = findMappingValue(jeopardyStatusMappings, jeopardyStatus)



if (stateIndex >= 0)


def state = castRow.get(stateIndex) as String

def stateValue = findMappingValue(stateMappings, state)



if (instanceStartIndex >= 0)


def instanceStart = castRow.get(instanceStartIndex) as String



if (completionDateIndex >= 0)


def completionDate = castRow.get(completionDateIndex) as String






return instancesResult



List User Tasks


Starts a process instance



Output StartInstanceWebServiceResult
Support Classes




static List<UserTaskEntry> listProcessInstanceUserTasks(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String processInstanceId)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-query-rs/pxs/execution/listprocessinstanceusertasks/${processInstanceId}"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpGet(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new XmlParser()

def slurpedResponse = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def userTaskList = slurpedResponse["userTaskList"]


assert userTaskList instanceof NodeList


List<UserTaskEntry> userTaskEntryList = []




userTask ->

def userTaskListEntry = userTask["userTaskListEntry"]


assert userTaskListEntry instanceof NodeList




Node entry ->

def userTaskEntry = new UserTaskEntry()


assert entry instanceof Node


def values = entry.value()


assert values instanceof NodeList


def workItemNumber = findXmlValue(values, "workItemNumber")

def creationDate = findXmlValue(values, "creationDate")

def definitionId = findXmlValue(values, "definitionId")

def id = findXmlValue(values, "id")

def name = findXmlValue(values, "name")

def processName = findXmlValue(values, "processName")

def stateNumber = findXmlValue(values, "stateNumber")




if (!creationDate.empty)












return userTaskEntryList



private static String findXmlValue(NodeList values, String property)


def node = values.find { element -> element.name().equals(property) }


if (node == null)

return ""


assert node instanceof Node

def nodeValue = node.text()


if (nodeValue.empty)






private static String findMappingValue(ArrayList<HashMap> mappings, String name)


for (mapping in mappings)


if (mapping.get("key").equals(name))

return mapping.get("value")


return name



static private int findIndexOfItemInColumns(ArrayList<HashMap> columns, String name)


def index = 0

for (column in columns)


if (column.get("id").equals(name))

return index

index += 1


return -1



static Optional<String> findDefinitionIdByNameAndVersion(List<ExecutableDefinitionEntry> definitions, String name, String version)


def result = Optional.empty()

for (definition in definitions)


if (definition.name.equals(name) && definition.version.equals(version))

result = Optional.ofNullable(definition.id)





List Executable Definitions


Lists definitions that can be executed



Output StartInstanceWebServiceResult
Support Classes





static ListExecutableDefinitionsResult listExecutableDefinitions(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, int pageNumber, int resultCount)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-query-rs/pxs/execution/listexecutableprocesses/${pageNumber}/${resultCount}"

def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()

def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()


def parsedText = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def rows = parsedText.rows


assert rows != null


assert rows instanceof ArrayList


def totalRows = parsedText.pageInfo.totalRows


def executableList = []


def result = new ListExecutableDefinitionsResult()




for (row in rows)


assert row instanceof ArrayList

def castRow = row as ArrayList


assert castRow.size() >= 6


def id = castRow.get(0)

def name = castRow.get(1)

def version = castRow.get(2)

def description = castRow.get(3)

def deploymentDate = castRow.get(4)

def appVersion = castRow.get(5)


def entry = new ExecutableDefinitionEntry()

entry.setId(id as String)

entry.setName(name as String)

entry.setVersion(version as String)

entry.setDescription(description as String)

entry.setDeploymentDate(deploymentDate as String)

entry.setAppVersion(appVersion as String)






return result



Get Deployed Model XML for a Process Instance

Description Returns Model XML
Input baseUrl
Output Optional String of XML
Support Classes PMWebServiceHeaders

static Optional<String> getModelDeploymentBundleXmlByProcessInstanceId(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String processInstanceId)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-query-rs/pxs/execution/processdefinitionxml/${processInstanceId}"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)

def xmlResponse = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


int index = xmlResponse.indexOf("<modelDeploymentBundle>")

int index2 = xmlResponse.indexOf("</modelDeploymentBundle>")


String bundle = null

if (index > 0 && index2 > index)

bundle = xmlResponse.substring(index, index2 + 25)


return Optional.ofNullable(bundle)



static Optional<String> getModelDeploymentBundleXmlByProcessDefinitionId(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String processDefinitionId)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-query-rs/pxs/execution/processdefinitionxml/def/${processDefinitionId}"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def response = client.execute(request)

def xmlResponse = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


int index = xmlResponse.indexOf("<modelDeploymentBundle>")

int index2 = xmlResponse.indexOf("</modelDeploymentBundle>")


String bundle = null

if (index > 0 && index2 > index)

bundle = xmlResponse.substring(index, index2 + 25)


return Optional.ofNullable(bundle)



static PMBpmnModel parseModelDeploymentBundleXml(String xml)


def slurper = new XmlSlurper()

def slurpedResponse = slurper.parseText(xml)


def metadata = slurpedResponse.getAt("modelMetadata")

def configuration = slurpedResponse.getAt("modelConfig")

def modelBundle = slurpedResponse.getAt("modelBundle")


assert modelBundle instanceof NodeChildren

assert modelBundle.size() == 1


def definitionsList = modelBundle.getAt("definitions")

assert definitionsList instanceof NodeChildren

assert definitionsList.size() == 1


def definitions = definitionsList[0]

assert definitions instanceof NodeChild


assert metadata instanceof NodeChildren

assert configuration instanceof NodeChildren


def pmBpmnModel = new PMBpmnModel()

def name = metadata.getAt("name").toString()

def modelDefinitionId = metadata.getAt("modelId").toString()

def appVersion = metadata.getAt("appVersion").toString()

def reusable = metadata.getAt("globalProcess") as boolean

def deploymentDateList = metadata.getAt("deploymentDate")


assert deploymentDateList instanceof NodeChildren

assert deploymentDateList.size() == 1

def deploymentDateChild = deploymentDateList[0]

assert deploymentDateChild instanceof NodeChild

def deploymentDate = deploymentDateChild.text() as Long


def versionList = metadata.getAt("version")


assert versionList instanceof NodeChildren

assert versionList.size() == 1


def version = versionList[0]


assert version instanceof NodeChild


def major = version.attributes().get("major") as int

def minor = version.attributes().get("minor") as int










def processNode = definitions.getAt("process")


assert processNode instanceof NodeChildren

assert processNode.size() >= 1


def process = processNode[0]


assert process instanceof NodeChild


def processChildren = process.children().list()


def startEventsList = processChildren.findAll {

entry ->

assert entry instanceof NodeChild



startEventsList.each {

entry ->

assert entry instanceof NodeChild

def startEventName = entry.attributes().get("name") as String

def messageEventDefinition = entry.getAt("messageEventDefinition")


def startEvent = new PMBpmnStartEvent()



if (messageEventDefinition != null)


assert messageEventDefinition instanceof NodeChildren

assert messageEventDefinition.size() >= 1


def messageDefinition = messageEventDefinition[0]


assert messageDefinition instanceof NodeChild

def messageRef = messageDefinition.attributes().get("messageRef") as String


assert messageRef != null && !messageRef.isEmpty()


def split = messageRef.split(":")


assert split.size() == 2






def receiveTaskList = processChildren.findAll {

entry ->

assert entry instanceof NodeChild



receiveTaskList.each {

entry ->

assert entry instanceof NodeChild

def receiveTaskName = entry.attributes().get("name") as String

def messageEventDefinition = entry.getAt("messageEventDefinition")


def receiveTask = new PMBpmnReceiveTask()



if (messageEventDefinition != null)


assert messageEventDefinition instanceof NodeChildren

assert messageEventDefinition.size() == 1

def messageDefinition = messageEventDefinition[0]

assert messageDefinition instanceof NodeChild

def messageRef = messageDefinition.attributes().get("messageRef") as String

assert messageRef != null && !messageRef.isEmpty()

def split = messageRef.split(":")

assert split.size() == 2








Get Notification

Descriptioin Returns a notification
Input baseUrl
Output Optional String XML
Support Classes NotificationResult

static NotificationResult getNotification(String baseUrl, String notificationId)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-events-rs/v1/notifications/${notificationId}"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpGet(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")


def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def parsed = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def result = new NotificationResult()

result.setCommandName(parsed.commandName as String)

result.setPhase(parsed.phase as String)

result.setCompletePercent(parsed.completePct as int)

result.setEndMillis(parsed.endMillis as Long)

result.setStartMillis(parsed.startMillis as Long)

result.setMessage(parsed.message as String)

result.setNotificationStatus(parsed.notificationStatus as String)


return result



static List<ReceiveTaskMessageEntry> sendMessageToReceiveTaskAsJSON(String baseUrl, PMWebServiceHeaders headers, String jsonMessage)


def url = "${baseUrl}/pxs-execution-rs/messages/"


def client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()


def request = new HttpPost(url)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

request.setHeader("PXUSERNAME", headers.pxUserName)

request.setHeader("PXORGID", headers.orgId)

request.setHeader("PXORGNAME", headers.orgName)

request.setHeader("PXSESSIONTOKEN", headers.sessionToken)


def stringEntity = new StringEntity(jsonMessage)




def response = client.execute(request)

def jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())


def slurper = new JsonSlurper()

def parsed = slurper.parseText(jsonString)


def messageStatuses = parsed.messageStatuses


assert messageStatuses != null

assert messageStatuses instanceof ArrayList<Map>


def messageStatusesList = messageStatuses as ArrayList<Map>


def resultList = []


for (entry in messageStatusesList)


def processInstanceId = entry.get("processInstanceId")

def correlationId = entry.get("correlationId")

def notificationId = entry.get("notifUuid")

def statusMessage = entry.get("statusMessage")

def error = entry.get("error")


def messageEntry = new ReceiveTaskMessageEntry()

messageEntry.setProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId as String)

messageEntry.setCorrelationId(correlationId as String)

messageEntry.setError(error as boolean)

messageEntry.setStatusMessage(statusMessage as String)

messageEntry.setNotificationId(notificationId as String)




return resultList



Supporting Classes for Code Snippets


class NotificationResult


private String commandName

private String phase

private Long startMillis

private Long endMillis

private int completePercent

private String message

private String notificationStatus


String getCommandName()


return commandName



void setCommandName(String commandName)


this.commandName = commandName



String getPhase()


return phase



void setPhase(String phase)


this.phase = phase



Long getStartMillis()


return startMillis



void setStartMillis(Long startMillis)


this.startMillis = startMillis



Long getEndMillis()


return endMillis



void setEndMillis(Long endMillis)


this.endMillis = endMillis



int getCompletePercent()


return completePercent



void setCompletePercent(int completePercent)


this.completePercent = completePercent



String getMessage()


return message



void setMessage(String message)


this.message = message



String getNotificationStatus()


return notificationStatus



void setNotificationStatus(String notificationStatus)


this.notificationStatus = notificationStatus




class LoginResult


private String token

private String orgId

private String orgName


String getOrgName()


return orgName



void setOrgName(String orgName)


this.orgName = orgName



String getToken()


return token



void setToken(String token)


this.token = token



String getOrgId()


return orgId



void setOrgId(String orgId)


this.orgId = orgId




class ProcessInstanceSearchEntry


String defEntityId

String orgTxt

String nameTxt

Integer majorVersion

Integer minorVersion

String procDefBpmn

String modelBpmn

String descTxt

String instanceEntityId

String createTs

String workItemId

String targetCompletionDate

String workflowQueue

String statusTxt

String parentId



class StartInstanceWebServiceResult


int statusCode


String startStatus


List<StartInstanceResult> startInstanceResultList = new ArrayList<StartInstanceResult>()



class StartInstanceResult


String processInstanceId

String notificationId

Optional<String> correlationId = Optional.empty()

Optional<Boolean> errored = Optional.empty()

String startStatus



class PMWebServiceHeaders


private String sessionToken

private String pxUserName

private String orgName

private String orgId

private String loggingLevel


String getSessionToken()


return sessionToken



void setSessionToken(String sessionToken)


this.sessionToken = sessionToken



String getPxUserName()


return pxUserName



void setPxUserName(String username)


this.pxUserName = username



String getOrgName()


return orgName



void setOrgName(String orgName)


this.orgName = orgName



String getOrgId()


return orgId



void setOrgId(String orgId)


this.orgId = orgId



String getLoggingLevel()


return loggingLevel



void setLoggingLevel(String loggingLevel)


this.loggingLevel = loggingLevel




class Message


String correlationId

String messageId

Object data

DataInfo dataInfo

ProcessInfo processInfo



class Messages


List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>()



class ProcessInfo


String name

Integer major

Integer minor

String id

String orgName



class DataInfo


String dataTypeNamespace

String dataType



class ProcessInstanceListEntry


private String name

private String id

private String version

private String description

private String jeopardyStatus

private String state

private String instanceStart

private String completionDate


String getName()


return name



void setName(String name)


this.name = name



String getId()


return id



void setId(String id)


this.id = id



String getVersion()


return version



void setVersion(String version)


this.version = version



String getDescription()


return description



void setDescription(String description)


this.description = description



String getJeopardyStatus()


return jeopardyStatus



void setJeopardyStatus(String jeopardyStatus)


this.jeopardyStatus = jeopardyStatus



String getState()


return state



void setState(String state)


this.state = state



String getInstanceStart()


return instanceStart



void setInstanceStart(String instanceStart)


this.instanceStart = instanceStart



String getCompletionDate()


return completionDate



void setCompletionDate(String completionDate)


this.completionDate = completionDate




class UserTaskEntry


private Long creationDate

private String definitionId

private String instanceId

private String name

private String processName

private String workItemNumber

private String stateNumber


Long getCreationDate()


return creationDate



void setCreationDate(Long creationDate)


this.creationDate = creationDate



String getDefinitionId()


return definitionId



void setDefinitionId(String definitionId)


this.definitionId = definitionId



String getInstanceId()


return instanceId



void setInstanceId(String instanceId)


this.instanceId = instanceId



String getName()


return name



void setName(String name)


this.name = name



String getProcessName()


return processName



void setProcessName(String processName)


this.processName = processName



String getWorkItemNumber()


return workItemNumber



void setWorkItemNumber(String workItemNumber)


this.workItemNumber = workItemNumber



String getStateNumber()


return stateNumber



void setStateNumber(String stateNumber)


this.stateNumber = stateNumber




class ListProcessInstancesResult


private Long totalRows

private List<ProcessInstanceListEntry> instances


Long getTotalRows()


return totalRows



void setTotalRows(Long totalRows)


this.totalRows = totalRows



List<ProcessInstanceListEntry> getInstances()


return instances



void setInstances(List<ProcessInstanceListEntry> instances)


this.instances = instances




class ListExecutableDefinitionsResult


private Long totalRows

private List<ExecutableDefinitionEntry> list


Long getTotalRows()


return totalRows



void setTotalRows(Long totalRows)


this.totalRows = totalRows



List<ExecutableDefinitionEntry> getList()


return list



void setList(List<ExecutableDefinitionEntry> list)


this.list = list




class ExecutableDefinitionEntry


private String id

private String name

private String version

private String description

private String deploymentDate

private String appVersion


String getId()


return id



void setId(String id)


this.id = id



String getName()


return name



void setName(String name)


this.name = name



String getVersion()


return version



void setVersion(String version)


this.version = version



String getDescription()


return description



void setDescription(String description)


this.description = description



String getDeploymentDate()


return deploymentDate



void setDeploymentDate(String deploymentDate)


this.deploymentDate = deploymentDate



String getAppVersion()


return appVersion



void setAppVersion(String appVersion)


this.appVersion = appVersion





XTRAC Community