XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Draw Sequence Flow

Sequence flows are represented as solid lines with arrows at end to indicate the direction of the flow. Sequence flows are used to connect shapes on the drawing canvas, and to indicate the order in which tasks and actions are executed in the process.

A sequence flow that comes out of an exclusive gateway ( ) or an inclusive gateway ( ) is called a conditional flow. A conditional flow can be configured with single and multi-expression rules.

Draw Sequence Flows

Sequence flows are drawn from one shape to another to define the order in which activities are performed in the process diagram.

1.   Hover the cursor over a shape on the drawing canvas.
Four triangles appear around the object.

2.   Click one of the triangles and drag the cursor to another shape on the drawing canvas and release the mouse.

3.   Hover the cursor over a sequence flow until hand appears.
4.   Right-click; select Add Anchor Point.

5.   Hover the cursor over an anchor point until hand appears.
6.   Left-click an anchor point and move into desired position.
7.   (Optional) Hold the shift key down to snap the sequence flow to right angles.

Reposition Labels

You may reposition labels applied to sequence flow lines, text outside of a shape and text applied to text annotation dotted lines.

1.   Hover the cursor over a label until hand appears.
2.   Click the label and move it to a new location.



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