Work List Mode > Using a Work List

Using a Work List

The Work List window displays work items that are available for retrieval from the currently selected queue. The current queue name and the number of available work items are displayed in right corner of the Work List window's title bar.

The Work List window displays the following types of items that reside in a selected queue or group of queues:

Frozen split items do not appear when you select the Frozen Work Items option.

To open the work list, do one of the following:

Work List Window Interface

If your entitlement set includes the ability to use the work list mode to retrieve work items, XTRAC automatically opens the Work List window for your default queue or queue group when you launch Workbench.

For a description of the Work List window's fields, buttons, and icons, see Work List.

XTRAC can display a list of work items in a queue or a group of queues from which you can select work items to process.

In work list mode, the XTRAC administrator specifies the order in which work items appear based on priority, entry date, work item number, or work selection rules.

Work list rules control which fields appear in the work list for specified nodes, queues, and operators.

The entitlement set associated with your operator profile specifies whether you can work in work list mode, work feed mode, or both.

If you were given the option to work in work list mode, your entitlement set also specifies the following:

With the applicable security functions, you also can copy, open, transfer, and print items from a work list. If you were not given the option to work in work list mode, XTRAC hides the Work List feature from the Home heading in the work area sidebar.

The Work List window lets you view a list of all active, frozen, or suspended work items that reside in a selected queue. You can change the queue to view a different work list by selecting a new queue from the Queue drop-down list. You can copy the work list to the clipboard, open, print, or transfer selected work items from the work list.

For a description of the work list fields, buttons, and icons, see Work List

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