XTRAC Workbench includes the web-based XTRAC Viewer that you can use to view image documents (for example, .TIF and .JPG files). The XTRAC Viewer opens in a separate browser window in whichever web browser you are using. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer to run XTRAC Workbench, the XTRAC Viewer opens in a separate Internet Explorer window.
If the document you want to view is not an image, you are prompted to save the file to your hard drive or top open the document with its native application (for example, a .DOC file would open in MS Word).
Note: To display PDF documents in the XTRAC Viewer requires additional server software and can be configured by your XTRAC administrator.
Depending on how your XTRAC administrator has configured it, you can open the XTRAC Viewer manually (if your entitlement set lets you work with the viewer), or XTRAC Workbench will open the viewer automatically.
Opening the XTRAC Viewer Manually
You can open the XTRAC Viewer Manually using one of the following methods:
From the toolbar
Depending on how it is configured, the XTRAC Viewer opens with one of the following conditions:
From the Attachments page
1. | Open a work item from the work list. |
2. | On the work item, click the Attachments Information icon ( ) to open the Attachments page. |
3. | From the list on the Attachments page, double-click a document attachment (or select a document attachment and click the Open icon ( ). |
Note: If your XTRAC administrator has set a document sort order the XTRAC Viewer opens automatically when you open the Attachments page.
Opening the XTRAC Viewer Automatically
If your XTRAC administrator has set a document sort order, the XTRAC Viewer opens automatically when you access the Attachments page. With a sort order set, the viewer opens with one of the following conditions:
The XTRAC Viewer remains open for the duration of your XTRAC Workbench session unless you manually close it.
The XTRAC Viewer includes a number of tools and features you can use to edit image files and add annotations. In addition, there are tools and options that affect how files are displayed in the viewer.
When an image document is open in the viewer, a drop-down list is available at the top of the XTRAC Viewer. The drop-down list gives you access to the list of attached documents from within the viewer for the current work item.
The drop-down list displays the file name, the title, the document creation date and time, and the content ID (the unique document ID) for all the documents attached to the work item.
Note: To display the drop-down list of all the documents attached to a work item in the XTRAC Viewer, uncheck the Allow Multiple Windows checkbox on the work item Attachment page.
When you click a document from this list, it opens the selected document attachment in the Image Area. You can open any document attachment from the drop-down list without having to return to the Attachments page in the work item window. Each time you open a document attachment, the viewer closes the previous document and displays the new one you choose.
Note: When the Allow Multiple Windows checkbox is checked on the work item Attachment page, a new viewer window opens each time you open a document attachment.
The Show/Hide button is displayed when an image document is open in the XTRAC Viewer. Click this button to toggle between showing annotations that have been added to the document, and hiding the annotations so you can see the original content.
You can also show or hide annotations on an image document by clicking the Page icon at the bottom of the viewer ( ).
The following table provides an overview of the tools and icons available in the XTRAC Viewer window. These tools are available only when an image file is open in the viewer.
Icon |
Description |
Prints the image file, including any annotations or redactions that have been added to it. |
Zooms in on the area you select on the image. |
Increases the document size with each click. |
Decreases the document size with each click. |
Magnifies the area where you place the cursor on image. |
Displays the image at its original size. |
Fits the image to the viewer window's width. |
Fits the image to the viewer window's height. |
Fits the image to the viewer's window width and height |
Rotates the image 45 degrees to the right. |
Rotates the image 45 degrees to the left. |
Inverts the image's colors. |
Opens the image document in a new viewer window. When you open a document in a new window, it remains open in that window until you manually close it — even if you open another document attachment from the Attachments page or the drop-down list in the viewer. |
Opens the Image Properties dialog and displays detailed information about image document. |
The XTRAC Viewer includes a context menu that you can access by clicking the right mouse button anywhere in the Image Area. The following table gives a brief overview of the options available from the context menu.
Menu Item | Description |
View menu | Provides options for changing the page view. |
Image menu | Lets you change the zoom factor, magnification, image rotation, the enhance mode, and more. |
Adjust menu | Lets you change the luminance, contrast, and brightness of the image displayed in Image Area. |
Print menu | Includes printing options for printing the current page, a range of pages, and selected pages (pages that are selected using the Selection menu). |
Page menu | View the next, previous, first, or last page. This menu option is not available when a single page document is open in the viewer. |
Selection menu | Lets you select specific pages in a multiple page document for printing. |
Clipboard menu | Includes options for copying the currently open image to the Windows clipboard. |
Preferences menu | Lets you change thumbnail display size and the background color for monochrome images. |
Cache menu | Lets you clear document, resource, and application cache. |
Help menu | Displays license agreement. |
The View buttons let you control how the pages of multiple page documents are viewed in the viewer. The following table gives a brief overview of the View buttons.
Button | Description |
Displays a single, full page of the open document. | |
Displays thumbnails views of each page in the multiple page document. | |
Two pages are displayed side by side in the Image Area. | |
Thumbnails are displayed to the left of the page currently displayed in the Image Area. | |
Thumbnails are displayed at the bottom of the page currently displayed in the Image Area. | |
Thumbnails are displayed to the right of the page currently displayed in the Image Area. | |
Thumbnails are displayed at the top of the page currently displayed in the Image Area. |
The Adjust bars let you adjust the luminance, contrast, and brightness of the currently open image. To access the Adjust bars, click the Adjust button ( ).
Use the sliders to adjust the values.
Adding Annotations to Image Documents