XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Check In a Process Model

When process models and diagrams are checked in, they can be opened and viewed by others working in the Process Modeler. Other operators can check out a process model and make modifications to it. The check out process creates a new version of the process to ensure that the original is not overwritten.

1.   From the Process menu, select Check In.
2.   The Check In dialog displays the model's name and the model's version. A Notes text box lets you enter notes about the diagram (for example, changes you have made to an existing diagram).
3.   (Optional) In the Notes field, enter a note describing the process model diagram. A note can contain up to 256 characters.
  • Click Run Validation.
  • In the Run Validation dialog, select the validation checks you want to run against the model (Data Versioning, BPMN, and Configuration are selected by default).
  • Click OK.
  • (Conditional) If the model fails validation, click the Validation tab in the properties panel to see what needs to be fixed. After fixing the warnings, select Check In from the Process menu and continue with step 4.
  • (Conditional) If the model passes validation, select Check In from the Process menu and continue with step 4.
4.   In the Check In dialog, click the Check In button.
5.   When prompted that the model has been successfully checked in, click OK.

Note: If a model fails validation, you can still check it in without fixing any of the warnings. However, processes that fail validation cannot be deployed. You will need to check in a valid version of the model before it can be deployed.

For more information about validation, see "Validating a Process Model".

After the model is successfully checked in, it remains on the drawing canvas in read only mode. You cannot make changes to the diagram when it is in read only mode. To make changes to the diagram, select Check Out from the Process menu. This will create a new version of the process that you can edit.



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