XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




None end event Terminate end event Message end event Signal end event Error end event

End Event Shapes

End events describe how a process ends. The end event shape signals the end of a process. The end of a process can trigger other events within a process design.

XTRAC Process Designer includes the following shapes for end events:


The none end shape is represented as an empty red circle:

The none end event is used to indicate that a process has reached the end and it is completed. If a none end event is used in a subprocess, the process flow returns to the parent process.

If a process defines several end states (for example, a successful and unsuccessful process path), the end event will not stop the execution of the remaining process paths or activities.

None End Configuration

Because a none end event does not receive or retrieve data, there is no configuration associated with it.

The End Event Properties panel lets you rename the shape and add a description.

See Configuring Process Properties for more information.


The terminate end shape is represented as a solid red circle inside a red circle:

A terminate end event stops all other process paths within the model — including parallel processes, currently running events, and any events that are waiting to start.


The message end shape is represented as a red envelope inside a red circle:

A message is the content of any communication between the process and an outside entity, such as a customer or service provider, another process, or an IT system. The message content or "payload" can represent both physical and information objects. A message must be addressed to a particular process, or instance. When this shape is triggered, a message is dispatched before the process ends.

Note: This shape is not executable in this release.


The signal end shape is represented as a red triangle inside a red circle:

This shape ends a process flow and broadcasts a signal. This signal may be received by another process shape that is listening for the signal — for example, error start.

Note: This shape is not executable in this release.


The error end shape is represented as a red lightning bolt inside a red circle:

An error end event in a subprocess throws a signal that can be caught by an error intermediate event attached to the boundary of a subprocess shape, i.e. at a parent level in the model. The purpose of an error event is to propagate exception handling from child to parent levels in a hierarchical model.

Note: This shape is not executable in this release.



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