If you have the correct credentials, you can use the Document Upload dialog box to add attachments to work items from your computer's hard drive or networked drives.
When you attach a file, you can include metadata, which is information about the document. For example, you can include information such as the document title, document type, account number, and so on.
Depending on the work item rule and the mapping set up by your administrator, an uploaded document may already have values in some of its metadata fields.
When you attach documents, you can also use optical character recognition (OCR) to convert scanned images and PDFs into text-searchable PDFs.
Your credentials determine whether you can attach documents, edit metadata, and use OCR.
This task explains how to add a file and its associated document information as an attachment to a work item.
Note: A red asterisk (*) next to a field name denotes a mandatory or protected field.
To add attachments to a work item
1. | Open the relevant work item on your work list. |
2. | In the work item window, click the Attachments Information icon . |
3. | Do one of the following: |
4. | Select Upload attachment from my computer, and then click Next to open the Document Upload dialog. |
The work item number that you selected displays near the top of the dialog: Upload Documents to [Work item number-date].
5. | In the dialog, you can attach files in one of two ways: |
Note: A message informs you if a selected file's size exceeds the 35 MB upload limit per file. Similarly, the combined size of a file batch must not exceed 150 MB. To upload files successfully, reduce the size of a file or a batch of files below the maximum size allowed.
6. | To view the attachments as large icons in a tiled format, change the default list view (List Layout button ) by clicking the Tile Layout button . |
7. | To remove a file from the list, in the List Layout view, click the trash icon in the file's row. In the Tile Layout view, move your pointer over a file's icon, and then click its button to remove it. |
Note: In single and multiple attachment uploads, XTRAC applies any rules-based metadata or pre-populated mappings to each file. If a file has invalid or no metadata, a message informs you, and an alert icon appears in the file's Status column or on the file's icon in the Tile Layout view.
8. | To add new document information to a file or edit its existing metadata, select the file in the list pane, and then enter or select values in the fields on the Document Information panel. Your administrator may have set default values in some fields or locked certain fields so you cannot edit them. |
You can enter special characters in the fields. However, some special characters may take up more space than standard characters. This may decrease the maximum number of characters you can enter.
Note: Any information you enter for a single file in a multiple-file upload does not automatically cascade down to the next file's metadata fields.
9. | To edit information for multiple files, select the files (CTRL+Click or SHIFT+Click) in the list and enter new details. Alternatively, click the selection icon and use the menu to select or deselect all the files. Any changes you make apply to all the selected files' document information fields. |
10. | (Optional) If you have the right credentials and want to create a text-searchable PDFAfter you convert an image, you can use XTRAC Workbench's Search Documents toolbar-menu option to find keywords in PDF attachments. from a scanned image or PDF file, select the OCR check box in the file's row (list-layout view) or on the file's icon (tile-layout view). |
If this option is not visible, you do not have OCR credentials.
You cannot convert password-protected PDFs.
11. | When you have selected all of the relevant files and added metadata, click Upload to attach the files to the work item. |
In the dialog's attachment-list pane, you can see the progress of a file's upload in its Status field. A check mark briefly appears in this field after a file uploads successfully.
After you upload the documents, the dialog closes and the work item's Attachments table displays the attachment details.
Note: If any attachment fails to upload, the dialog remains open and an alert icon appears in the Status column of the file. For example, an attachment may contain a virus, or the file name may contain too many special characters. A message informs you of the probable cause of the upload failure. Unless the cause of the failure is a virus, you can attempt to upload the files again.
If you used OCR to convert a file, the new PDF replaces the image file on the Attachments page. However, you can still navigate to the original image attachment by clicking History on the Attachments page.
Your administrator determines the fields that appear on the Document Information panel. Also, your administrator may have set up default values for any required fields.
Your administrator determines the fields that appear on the Document Information panel. Also, your administrator may have set up default values for any required fields. The following are some examples of the fields that your administrator may set up. However, your administrator may give them different names or set up other fields.
Button | Name | Description |
Select files from your computer | Click this button to select the files to upload. Alternatively, drag and drop the files from your computer onto the dialog box. | |
Select/Deselect All | Click this button to open the pop-up menu options Select All, Deselect All, Check All OCR, Uncheck All OCR for selecting or deselecting all the files or their OCR check boxes in the document list. You can then change multiple files' metadata or reset their OCR options. | |
List Layout (default view) |
Click this button to display the files in a table format, which lists each file's name, type, size, status, and a trash icon for removing the file from the upload list. An OCR check box also appears if you have OCR credentials for converting scanned imagesYou can use OCR on the following file types: TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF to text-searchable PDFs. The document-upload panel shows the cumulative size of the listed files at the bottom of the dialog. The total size of all the files in the upload must not exceed 150 MB, and any one file in the upload must not exceed 35 MB. |
Tile Layout |
Click this button to display the files as large icons in a tiled format. A file's icon shows the name of the file, its size, status, and a delete icon to remove the file. An OCR check box also displays on the icon if you have OCR credentials for converting scanned imagesYou can use OCR on the following file types: TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF to text-searchable PDFs. Note: Image attachments display a thumbnail preview of the image in the file's icon. The document-upload panel shows the cumulative size of the listed files at the bottom of the dialog. The total size of all the files in the upload must not exceed 150 MB, and any one file in the upload must not exceed 35 MB. |
Trash | In a file's row, click this icon to remove an attachment from the upload list. | |
Upload | Click this button to attach files to a work item or to upload the selected files to the repository. |
Cancel | Clicking this button displays a message box asking you to confirm if you want to close the dialog without uploading the files. |