Attaching a Document

XTRAC Workbench lets you add document attachments to a work item from a local or network folder.

Note: You must have the QuickCapture security function to use the document-upload feature. Ask your XTRAC administrator to request the proper security credentials.

When you attach a document, you can add metadata to the document. You can use this extra information to make it easier to search for documents using keywords. For example, you can add information such as document title, account number, the document owner's last name, and so on.

Note: An XTRAC administrator sets up which types of files can be uploaded to the document repository. Controlling the types of files that can be uploaded avoids potential security threats and viruses. If the administrator does not define any specific file type, you can upload any type of file to the document repository. If an administrator defines only one file type, only that file type can be uploaded. Work with your XTRAC administrator to define which types of files can be uploaded to the document repository.

Note: The default sort order in the Attachments page is automatically sorted by the date the attachment was added.


Document Standards

To scan and upload documents successfully, they must conform to the following standards:


To learn how to attach documents to a work item, see the following:

See also

Attaching a Document to a Work Item without using Document Upload


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