Work Items > Searching for Work Items > Performing Advanced Search

Performing Advanced Searches

You can search for work items based on the fields, custom fields, and multi-select fields listed under the Recent, Quick, and All tabs on the Advanced Search page:

Advanced Search Rules

When setting up search criteria:

For more information about the fields and buttons on the Advanced Search window, see Advanced Search.

Custom Advanced Searches

You can create your own custom search by selecting specific work item fields, choosing a comparison operator (equals, is like, is between), and entering values.

Comparison Operators

When creating a custom advanced search you can use comparison operators to refine your search. Comparison operators are available from drop-down lists in the Comparison column. You can choose from:

Using Multi-Select Fields in Advanced Searches

The following rules apply for performing searches with multi-select fields:

Understanding the AND/OR Logic in Advanced Searches using Multi-Select Fields

When performing searches sequentially using multiple, different multi-select fields in the same search, the system conjoins them with an “AND” statement.

The logic for the “equal” and “contains” comparators, also applies.

When performing searches sequentially using multiple, same multi-select fields in the same search, the system conjoins them with an “OR” statement. Also note that the logic for the “equal” and “contains” comparators, also applies.

When performing searches and mixing multiple, same and different multi-select fields in the same search, the previously mentioned logics work together. Also note that the logic for the “equal” and “contains” comparators, also applies.

The order matters, as mixing it up will provide drastically different results.

Predefined Advanced Searches

You can also choose to search for a work item using predefined search criteria created by your XTRAC administrator. To use a predefined search, make a selection from the Predefined Searches drop-down list. If your XTRAC administrator has not created predefined searches, the Predefined Searches drop-down list is empty.

To perform a predefined search:

1.   Open the Search window. Do one of the following:
2.   In the Search window, click Advanced Search.
3.   In the Advanced Search page, from the Predefined Searches drop-down list, select the search you want to use.
4.   Click Load.

The fields and values associated with the selected predefined search are displayed in the grid below the Predefined Searches drop-down list.

Note: When you click Load, XTRAC removes any previously entered criteria and replaces it with the search criteria defined in the selected predefined search.

5.   Click Search.

Creating a Custom Advanced Search

You can select any of the available fields, custom fields, and multi-select fields to create a custom advanced search.

1.   On the Advanced Search page, select the fields you want to use from the Recent, Quick, and All tabs.

The available fields are listed in the grid below the tab. You can select multiple fields by using the CTRL+Click and SHIFT+Click methods.

Note: XTRAC Workbench displays a warning icon ( ) next to fields that are not indexed and includes a message that indicates that at least one field without the warning icon should be included in the search.

2.   To add the selected fields to the search, click or drag and drop the selected fields to the search fields list.

Note: If you select the Customer Name field, enter the value entered in the Organization field or the value entered in the Last Name field.

If you immediately add the same field again, XTRAC searches for work items with both values. For example:

XTRAC searches for work items that include the last names Kelly and Kelley.

The fields must be added in consecutive order. If another field separates the fields, XTRAC does not find the work items.

3.   Enter the values for each search field.

The fields you select need valid values or XTRAC will not know what to search for. If no valid value is specified, XTRAC displays the warning message, "Valid search parameters need to be specified" when you click the Search button.

Enter values in the following columns for the selected search field:

The Value 1 column lets you enter one specific value for the selected search field. Depending on which type of field is selected, the Value 1 column displays a drop-down list or a text box.

For example, if you select the Last Name field, the Value 1 column gives you a text box in which you can enter a name. If you select a Node field, the column gives you a drop-down list from which you can select the name of the node you want to search.

Note: If you select a multi-select field, the Value 1 column gives you a drop-down list from which you can select one or more values. A multi-select drop-down list is identified by double down arrow icons ( ). From the drop-down list, click the values you want to add to the search, as shown below:

For example, if you select the Account Number field and select the is between comparison, you would enter the starting number in the Value 1 column and the ending number in the Value 2 column.

Note: In a range of values, if you enter a value in the Value 2 column that is less than the value in the Value 1 column, or a start date that is later than the end date, XTRAC swaps the two values.

XTRAC uses the sort order to sort the search results.

Note: The search on the values you enter is not case sensitive. XTRAC will search for and find work items with values entered in mixed case, upper case, and lower case.

Note: You can remove a selected search field and its values by clicking . You can remove all search fields and their values by clicking .

4.   (Optional) Select Search all parties to search every party associated with a work item.
5.   (Optional) Select Include resolved items to search for work items that have already been resolved.

Note: Selecting this option may make the search take longer.

This option is not selected by default. A business unit configuration file can set this option to be selected by default. When you select this option, XTRAC retains the setting until you change it.

(Optional) Select Search for process instances to search for work items that represent an entire business process.

When a business process is implemented by a split hierarchy, XTRAC returns the top-most split parent in that split hierarchy. If the entire business process is represented by a single work item, then XTRAC returns that one work item.

6.   Click Search.

XTRAC initiates the search using the specified criteria. When XTRAC completes the search, the results are displayed. The Search Criteria page continues to display the fields involved in the search.

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