Work Items > Searching for Work Items

Searching for Work Items

You can search for a work item based on information the customer provides or information you know about the work item.

You can search for a work item by the following:

You also can search across all associated parties, for resolved work items, and for the top-level work items associated with a process (one complete order).

You can initiate more than one search at a time. Each search becomes its own window in XTRAC Workbench, as shown in the following figure. Each time you initiate a search, XTRAC Workbench increases the number on the Search window by one.

Note: XTRAC Workbench does not renumber Search windows you already have open. For example, suppose you initiated three searches and XTRAC Workbench displays three windows that read Search 1, Search 2, and Search 3. If you close Search 2, the open windows remain Search 1 and Search 3. If you start a new search, the search window will be labeled Search 4. XTRAC Workbench continues this numbering scheme until you log out. The next time you log in to XTRAC Workbench, the numbering scheme begins again with Search 1.

Each numbered Search window is divided into two sections: Search Criteria and Results Configuration.

Each numbered Search window is its own entity and contains all the information needed for one search and its result.

Limits to a Search

The following list details some search limitations:

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