If there is a document that resides in the repository that you would like to attach to a work item, you can use the Search repository for attachment file option in the Add Attachment wizard.
If your XTRAC administrator has set up a mapping profile, you can have search fields pre-populated with values from the work item. The XTRAC administrator determines which field values should populate the pre-search and search fields. For example, the client's account number could be pre-populated in the search so you don't have to spend time typing it in again.
1. | Open a work item to which you have work access. |
2. | Open the Add Attachment dialog. Do one of the following: |
3. | Select Search repository for attachment file. |
4. | Clear the checkbox Attach to all family members if you do not want to add the attachment to all family members and the document is only attached to the current work item. |
Note: This option only appears for split work items.
5. | Click Next. |
6. | Enter search criteria in the Pre-Search Information section. |
Note: Pre-search only appears if your XTRAC administrator has set up a mapping profile.
7. | Click Next. |
The Search Parameters section displays the Account Number, Last Name Owner, and Title of Document fields.
A list box next to each field contains search criteria that you use to refine your search. The expressions include Matches, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Does Not Contain, and Does Not Match.
8. | In the Search Parameters, select the relevant check boxes to search for either documents, attachments, or both. |
9. | Select search criteria from the list fields, and then enter search details in the corresponding text box. |
For example, if you select Starts With in the Account Number list field and the account number you want to include in your search starts with "123", enter 123 in the Account Number text box.
Note: If your XTRAC administrator has set up a mapping profile, many of these search fields will be populated for you.
10. | Click Next. |
Select a document from the Search Attachment Results list.
Note: You can only attach one file at a time.
11. | Select an option from the Attachment Association Change section: |
Attach as Reference. The original document with its Document ID from the repository is used as the attachment. Go to step 15.
Attach as Copy. A copy of the original document with a new Document ID is made and attached to the work item. Any changes made to the copy will not be reflected in the original document.
12. | Click Next. |
13. | (Optional) Enter information in the Attachment Information fields. |
Note: Only appears for the Attach as Copy option if the appropriate rule has been set up.
14. | Click Next. When the Attachment Confirmation page opens, check that the displayed details are accurate. |
15. | Click Finish. A loading bar displays, followed by a message on the status bar to indicate if the attachment was successful. |
After XTRAC successfully attaches the selected file to the work item, the newly attached file appears on the work item's Attachments page.