XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Configuring Data Inputs and Outputs

Data that has been defined in the Data Dictionary is available from the Data Dictionary tab and the Process Data panel located to the left of the drawing canvas. To access the Data Dictionary View, click the Data Dictionary tab. Data types cannot be added directly to the Data Dictionary tab. Data types are created and edited in the Data Dictionary Editor. The Data Dictionary tab simply gives you a view of, and access to, the data available for your use in your process model.

For information on adding data to the Data Dictionary, see Setting Up the Data Dictionary.

Add Data Inputs and Outputs

You can drag and drop data from the Data Dictionary tab and the Process Data panel to the Inputs and Outputs tab in the properties panel.

Data added to the Inputs and Outputs tab of the Process Properties panel is added to the Process Data panel and to the overall process. Process data can be used repeatedly throughout the process. For more information about the Process Data panel, see Using the Process Data Panel.

Data added from the Data Dictionary tab directly to the properties panel of a selected shape is added only to that shape and not to the process or the Process Data panel. If you want to use that same data type on another shape, you would need to drag and drop it again from the Data Dictionary tab.

1.   Open the Process Properties panel or select a shape (such as a user task) on the drawing canvas and open its properties panel.
2.   In the properties panel, click the Inputs and Outputs tab.
3.   In the Data Dictionary or the Process Data panel, click a data type and drag it to the Inputs and Outputs tab in the properties panel.
4.   You can use the CTRL+click or the SHIFT+click method to select and drag multiple data types.

Note: The type of data you can add to the Inputs and Outputs tab (simple or complex) depends on the type of object selected. Some objects can accept only simple data types while others can accept simple and complex data types. For example, a user task shape can only accept simple data types.

5.   Use the Input and Output check boxes to designate the data as inputs or outputs.

Associate Data with Process Data

Data that is added to shapes on the drawing canvas needs to be associated with data that has been added to the process. The data listed in the Process Data panel is data that has been added to the process and is available for data associations.

1.   Select a shape on the drawing canvas and open its properties panel.
2.   Add data to the Inputs and Outputs tab (see Adding Data Inputs and Outputs).
3.   In the Inputs and Outputs tab, click Associate.

The Add Input/Output Associations dialog opens.

4.   In the Add Input/Output Associations dialog, select an input association and an output association.
5.   Click OK.

The input and output data is now associated to the selected process data type. If you have associated at the complex data type level, all of the complex data's attributes — including simple and nested complex data types — are also associated to the data.

Note: If only the Input checkbox is selected next to the data object in the Inputs and Outputs tab, the Add Input Association dialog opens when you click the Associate button. If only the Output checkbox is selected, the Add Output Association dialog opens. If the Input and Output box check boxes are selected, the Add Input/Output Associations dialog opens.



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