To attach files to a work item, you must first have Work access rights to that work item. Also, if you do not have the QuickCapture security function, you cannot access the Document Upload dialog. However, you can use the Add Attachment wizard to attach documents.
1. | Open the work item to which you want to add an attachment. |
2. | Open the Add Attachment dialog. Do one of the following: |
3. | Select Upload attachment file from my computer. |
4. | (Optional) Clear the checkbox Attach to all family members if you do not want to add the attachment to all family members and the document is only attached to the current work item. |
Note: If you select the checkbox:
The document is attached to family work items regardless of being locked or if you can access them.
The attachment is NOT attached to resolved work items, even if the user selects the Attach to all family members checkbox on the first page of the Add Attachment wizard.
The Attach to all family members checkbox only shows for split work items.
5. | Click Next. |
6. | On the Select File section, click the Browse button next to the File field |
7. | Select a file; the selected file displays in the File field. |
Note: You can only select and attach one file at a time.
8. | (Optional) Select Create additional searchable PDF version. |
Note: If you do not have the PDF OCR security function, the Create additional searchable PDF version option cannot be selected.
9. | Enter values in the metadata fields on the Add Attachment dialog, under the Attachment Information section. |
10. | Click Next. |
IMPORTANT: Field character limits for metadata are based on standard ASCII characters. You can use special characters in the text box fields, but special characters use more than one standard ASCII character in the field. If your field entry includes special characters and reaches the maximum visible field character length, you will get an error. To fix the error, remove the special characters from the field, or shorten the entry length so the combination of special and standard characters do not exceed the limit.
Note: Whether you enter metadata with lower-case or mixed-case characters, all metadata values are stored in upper-case in FileNet. All data can still be found in a search regardless of case. You will see the metadata in upper-case values when it is displayed in the Attachment list or in the Edit Metadata dialog. The metadata entered is case sensitive for all other repository types, such as FIMS and Documentum.
11. | On the Add Attachment dialog, under the Attachment Information section, the first set of document metadata displays in view mode, followed by the second set of document metadata. The first and second set of metadata are visibly divided by a line on the screen. Enter or modify applicable values in the second set of document metadata fields displayed. Required fields display an asterisk (*) and require a value to be entered. |
12. | Click Next. |
13. | When the Attachment Confirmation page opens, check that the displayed details are accurate. |
14. | Click Finish. A loading bar displays, followed by a message on the status bar to indicate if the attachment was successful. |
After XTRAC successfully attaches the selected file to the work item, the newly attached file appears on the work item's Attachments page.