XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Creating Process Models and Diagrams

The XTRAC Process Modeler uses standard BPMN2 shapes and connectors to help you create graphical representations of process models and process diagrams.

To access the process modeler main page, click one of the following links that appear on the Home page:

Note: Each of these links opens a dialog that is specific to the action you want to take. If you click the Cancel button in any of these dialogs, you will still have access to the process modeler main page, but you will not be able to place any objects on the drawing canvas. You must first create a process or a model, or open an existing model.

Create a New Reusable Process

A process diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of a business process. A reusable process is a process diagram that can be reused and referenced in other reusable processes and business models. For example, a simple business process such as validating a customer account number can be created as a reusable process that can then be reused in other processes and models.

1.   Click Create a New Reusable Process on the Home page.

The Create a New Reusable Process dialog opens.


2.   Click Process > Select
  • New. Create a new reusable process in the current tab.
  • New (New Tab). Create a new reusable process in a new tab.

The Create New Wizard dialog opens, listing the following options:

  • Create a New Reusable Process
  • Create a New Model
  • Open an Existing Process Diagram
3.   Click Create a New Reusable Process.
4.   Click Next.

The Create a New Reusable Process dialog opens.

5.   Enter a name for the new process (up to 128 characters).
6.   (Optional) In the Description text box, enter a description (up to 256 characters) that describes the purpose for this process or any other information you want to capture.
7.   Click Create.

The dialog closes and the name you gave the new process is added to the Canvas Overview panel to the left of the drawing canvas.

Next Steps:

Create a New Model

A process model represents the activities that are triggered and performed when a process is executed in the XTRAC system. A process model must contain at least one process diagram. The process diagrams within a model represent the complete business process defined by that business model.

Processes can be reused in other business models and as subprocesses of other processes. A model cannot be reused.

1.   Click Create a New Model on the Home page.

The Create a New Model dialog opens.


2.   Click Process and then select one of the following:
  • New. Create a new model in the current tab.
  • New (New Tab). Create a new model in a new tab.
3.   The Create New Wizard dialog opens, listing the following options:
  • Create a New Reusable Process
  • Create a New Model
  • Open an Existing Process Diagram
4.   Select Create a New Model.
5.   Click Next.
6.   Enter a name in the Model Name text box.
7.   Click Next.
8.   Enter a name in the Process Diagram Name text box.
9.   (Optional) In the Description text box, enter a description of the model and any other information you want to capture.
10.   Click Create.

Note: You cannot create a process without a process diagram. A model must contain at least one process diagram.

The dialog closes and the new model name and its version number is added to the Canvas Overview. Click to expand the tree and view the process name and its version number.

Next Steps:



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