XTRAC Process Designer User Guide




Revision History

Process Designer 2.0

Revision Change Summary

Renamed the "Configuring a Service Task" topic to "Service Task Configuration".

Added a table to the "General Tab" heading of the "Service Task Configuration" topic to describe various fields and items within the Service Task Configuration dialog.


Added new topic, "Using the Script Task".

Added new topic, "Configuring Script Tasks".

Removed the "Log in to Process Designer" topic because users don't access the documentation until after they have logged in to Process Designer.

In the "Home Page" topic, changed the following text from:

This section lets you view executable processes and the XML schema that defines each message start event. The Message Start Events link opens a page that lets you search for executable processes that include message start events. See Search for Message Start Events.


The Get Message Schema link lets you search for specific models so you can view examples of existing message schema. You can download and view the schema in XML and JSON format. See Example Message Definitions.

Made the following changes to the "Search for Message Start Events" topic:

  • Changed topic name from "Search for Message Start Events" to "Example Message Definitions" to reflect interface changes.
  • Updated screenshot to reflect the addition of the Example JSON and Example XML buttons.
  • Changed to text of Step 4 from "To view a message start event's XML schema, click Download Schema" to "Click Example JSON or Example XML to view the event's schema in JSON or XML format".
  • Changed "The XML schema file with a .XSD extension is opened in a text editor (You might be asked if you want to save or open the file. You also might be asked to select a default program for opening .XSD files.)" to "The message event schema is opened in a text editor. The file name is based on the MessageID and the format you selected. For example, if you click Example JSON for the getValue1 message event in the image above, the schema file name would be PID895B8ACEC920E8667647F72A5A9DAF64-JSON.txt".

Changed the topic name from "Process Admin Settings" to "User Settings".

In the "Process Designer Interface" topic, changed the screenshot to an image map. Click different areas of the screenshot to learn more about the corresponding component.

The entire "Message Start Shape" topic was rewritten to incorporate new configuration information.

Consolidated the following topics into one topic called "Start Event Shapes" to make the information more easily accessible and centrally located, and to reduce the amount of navigation needed to get to the information:

  • None Start Shape
  • Message Start Shape
  • Timer Start Shape
  • Signal Start Shape
  • Error Start Shape

Consolidated the following topics into one topic called "Intermediate and Boundary Event Shapes" to make the information more easily accessible and centrally located, and to reduce the amount of navigation needed to get to the information:

  • Timer Shape
  • Message Catch Shape
  • Message Throw Shape
  • Escalation Throw Shape
  • Signal Throw Shape
  • Signal Catch Shape
  • Timer Interrupting Shape
  • Timer Non-interrupting Shape
  • Error Boundary Event Shape
  • Escalation Interrupting Shape
  • Escalation Non-interrupting Shape

Consolidated the following topics into one topic called "Gateway Shapes" to make the information more easily accessible and centrally located, and to reduce the amount of navigation needed to get to the information:

  • Exclusive Gateway Shape
  • Inclusive Gateway Shape
  • Parallel Gateway Shape
  • Complex Gateway Shape

Added a new topic called "What's New" to include a quick overview of new features in this release.

The XTRAC Process Designer User Guide 2.0 used the XTRAC Process Designer 1.8 User Guide as the seed document.


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